cookbooks, nonfiction, Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon: Thoughts

sunday salonIt’s been over three months since I last wrote a post. Three brutal months that have left my family and I changed–but for the better. There have been many times that I found myself composing a blog post in my head. Many times that I didn’t bother to write down those thoughts. There was just so much going on and I couldn’t find the energy or desire to be online. Sorry to be so vague, but what happened isn’t just my story but my family’s.

During those hard months, my reading mojo came and left. There were books like The Dresden Files series that helped coax my mojo back for a short while, but overall, I didn’t read much. Now that things are much better, I can concentrate on more than just surviving.

Cooking is one of the things I’m looking forward to doing more of this year. There’s something about preparing a meal with and for your loved ones that is comforting to the soul. It’s also a good way to create memories.

My Kitchen Year by Ruth Reichl follows her life after Gourmet magazine was shut down. I’ve just started the book, but I already love her conversational tone. The editors of Food52 compiled 60 of their favorite recipes in Food52: Baking. I’ve already gone through the book and picked more than a dozen treats to bake including their cardamom currant snickerdoodles. A girl can’t live on sugar (and coffee) alone, so Besh Big Easy: 100 Home Cooked New Orleans Recipes by John Besh is another cookbook that’s on my nightstand. After only a glance through the book, Besh’s Cajun Stuffed Pork Chops are going to be cooked this week.

Forgive me, but I’m going to keep this post short. It’s hard to ease back into writing a post when you’ve been away from blogging so long. Though I haven’t been online much, that doesn’t mean you guys weren’t on my mind. I’ve missed you all so much and look forward to seeing what you all have been up to.

22 thoughts on “Sunday Salon: Thoughts”

  1. Welcome back! I understand the ebb and flow of life, that’s for sure. I hope that 2016 is less stressful for you and your family.

  2. Nice to see you back, Vasilly! I wish you peace after all that you have been through, I know how life can be filled with “stuff” that we have to deal with and step back from some of the things we love to do.

    And cooking is definitely a great pastime! I love discovering new cookbooks and these seem to be a great bunch! Thanks for sharing!

  3. It’s good to hear from you again on your blog!

    I love the Food52 site but didn’t know that they had a baking book! That cover alone has been drooling …

  4. Aw, friend, I missed you! Whatever has been going on with your family, you’ll be in my thoughts. I hope things are on their way back to normal (or a new normal if that’s what y’all need), and that you won’t have a repeat of the difficult months. Hugs!

  5. Good to see you here. I totally understand horrible times … hang in there, and many, many hugs ❤ ❤ ❤

  6. It’s okay to be vague. Sometimes it’s necessary as I recently learned with not mentioning the specifics of my father’s surgery. The main thing was/is that he’s okay, in that case. The main thing is that you and your family are doing better, in this case…and I like the rest of your commenters are glad to see you back.

  7. So glad that you’re back, and hope you’ll stay, even if you only post once in a while! Sorry to hear about your rough patch and hope the rest of 2016 is better for you and your family!

  8. I have definitely been thinking about you lately, wondering how things were going, so I’m very happy to see that you’re back and I hope that the tough times are behind you!

  9. It makes me happy to hear you say that things have changed for the better, but it makes me so very, very sad that you’ve had to go through such hard times. I’ve almost emailed you a dozen times in the last month, because I’ve just been thinking so much about you. Now I really, really wish I had. So very happy that you’re back to blogging, but not nearly as happy as I am that things are looking up for you! *HUGE HUGS*

  10. It’s so good to see a post from you! I know it can be hard to get back to blogging when personal life is overwhelming but we’ll be here. Sending you good thoughts!

  11. I’m happy to see you here again!! Sorry the last few months have been tough, but glad things are turning around and your blogging mojo is returning. Cooking is great therapy for me and so relaxing, too. Hope it has the same effect for you. My Kitchen Year looks great!

  12. Hello again! I am happy to hear from you, and I hope things in your personal life are going well. It can be hard to get back into blogging after a while, but little by little, if you feel like it, you’ll get there. And oh, that baking book looks yummy!

  13. Welcome back, girl! It’s good to see you again, and I hope that things not just ease up but life is smooth sailing for the rest of the year.

    I like what you said about cooking with and for loved ones. That is exactly why I love to cook. There is nothing more satisfying that watching your loved ones appreciate something you made just for them.

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