reading, Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon

sunday salon

Time: // 8:54 a.m.

The scene: // Cuddling with my family on the couch while watching HGTV’s Flea Market Flip. The older kids are in the kitchen washing dishes and making pancakes. Love.

This week: // has gone by in a flash! When I look back on it, the kids and I got a lot accomplished school-wise, but that’s about it. I guess I should be grateful for that.

Currently reading: // not much. My reading has drastically slowed down, but it’s my fault. I found myself doing things like being on Facebook and Instagram instead of reading. I plan on changing that this week and focusing on things I love and make me grow.

I started reading Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles for Joy’s New Year’s Resolutions Read-along. The author talks about feeling resistance whenever you have something positive you need to do but will take time. I’m feeling that when it comes to de-cluttering, reading, and even taking walks. I’m going to continue reading to see what the author suggests when it comes to pushing through resistance. If you want to join the read-along, there’s still time. The War of Art is a short book.

On my nightstand: // Jillian and Mariko Tamaki’s This One Summer. The graphic novel has been on many “best of 2014” lists last year. Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin. Beyond Magenta tells the lives of transgendered teens in their own words. My daughter and Elisabeth read it and loved it, so it’s my turn to read it. Daphne’s Book by Mary Downing Hahn is a middle grade book I read in middle school and fell in love with. As an adult, I searched for an original copy of it and was lucky enough to find one. It’s the story of two girls, Daphne and Jessica, who have to come together for a school project. While Jessica’s life is pretty average, Daphne’s is anything but and she hides a serious secret. Readers who enjoyed Cynthia Voight’s The Tillerman Cycle will appreciate Daphne’s Book.

Promoting: // My Chunkster Challenge giveaway for Children of the Stone by Sandy Tolan. The giveaway is only open to Chunkster participants.

Now I’m off to: // eat pancakes then play Uno with the kids.

What are you up to today?

21 thoughts on “Sunday Salon”

  1. I’m glad you’re finding The War of Art useful for defining the problem. Just being able to recognize the role of Resistance in my life has been useful.

  2. Sounds like a GREAT Sunday morning! I just love rereading favorite books from when I was younger. Did you enjoy it as much as before? Beyond Magenta sounds interesting. AND I loved This One Summer! I hope you do as well! Have a great week!

  3. Love the books you are reading! I need to pick up This One Summer. I’ve heard lots about it, but I don’t think I ever found it at my library.

  4. Well, no matter what has not gotten done this week, this sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday. I’m interested in that topic of pushing through positive things that take a bit longer to achieve. I think we all want at least some immediate gratification in our lives but 140 character messages and being able to reach anyone by phone or text at any time suggests that our society has evolved into one that wants more than just a little “right now.” A struggle. I wish you well with yours.

  5. This One Summer! Me too! I have it out of the library now, and I’m v. excited to read it at last. For the longest time it’s been checked out at the library whenever I thought to look for it. But yesterday I got it AND that Emily Carroll book Through the Woods. YAY.

  6. Facebook and Instagram can be time sucks, that’s for sure. That’s why I’ve been giving up Facebook during the week but this past week I found myself more on Twitter. Sigh. Now I have to do better with that…all that to say, I can relate. *sorry for visiting so late, I meant to stop by earlier*

  7. Time: // 1:31p.m.

    The scene: // Sitting at my desk comment bombing blogs on my blogroll. Playing catch up on my bloggish to do list. Listening to Lettuce (going to the concert on Wed.)

    This week: // has been crazy busy! Glad to have a weekend of rest and of getting caught up.

    Currently reading: // The Time Traveler’s Wife (loving it)
    The War of Art was highly recommended to my by my cousin this Christmas and it’s on my Audbile wish list.

    On my nightstand: // The Aloha Quilt still (collecting dust)

    Promoting: // Diversity on the Shelf and looking for a blog diva to take over Mocha Girls Read blog.

    Now I’m off to: // Leave more comments on your blog. 😀
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Beyond Magenta sounds really interesting. I have quite a few friends whose teens identify with the LBGT community in a variety of ways so reading from this perspective would add to the conversation.

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