Readathon, Readathon mini-challenges, Readathon update

Readathon: A Musicial Mini-Challenge

Jill at Fizzy Thoughts wrote:

I know a lot of readers are also fans of music. So for this mini-challenge we’re going to give our eyes a break and focus on our ears. I’d like you to post a song that reminds you of the read-a-thon, or that you love to read to, or that makes you think of a particular book. You can either embed a video of the song, or post the lyrics. And don’t forget to include a sentence or two as to why you’re sharing that particular song! Easy-peasie, right? Originally, I was thinking of making you run a marathon, but I thought this might go over a bit better.

I needed a boast during the last hour. So when Miley Cyrus’s new single “Party in the U.S.A.” came on, it was just what I needed for energy. The kids and I got up and just danced. After the song ended I had more energy to keep going. I’m not a Miley Cyrus fan but the kids are and they love this song. So here it is, “Party in the U.S.A.” :

2 thoughts on “Readathon: A Musicial Mini-Challenge”

  1. Yay for dancing! Now here’s a song for you…

    It’s astounding, time is fleeting
    Reading takes its toll
    But listen closely, not for very much longer
    You’ve almost met the goal

    I remember doing the Read-a-thon
    During those moments when
    The blackness would hit me and sleep would be calling
    Let’s do the readathon again…
    Let’s do the readathon again!

    It’s just a book in your hand
    And then a flip of the page
    With your eyes on the words
    You let your mind engage
    But it’s the cheerleaders that really drive you insane,
    Let’s do the readathon again!

    Your book is dreamy, or hot and steamy
    It stars a banshee, or no one at all
    It’s in another dimension, there’s no comprehension
    Oh no, there’s none at all
    With a bit of a page flip
    You’re suddenly on a space ship
    And nothing can ever be the same
    You’re strung out on cookies, you sound like a Wookie
    Let’s do the readathon again!

    Well I was strolling through the bookstore just havin’ a look
    When what should I espy but my next book
    It shook me up, it took me by surprise
    It had a sale tag and Care gave it 5 pies.
    It lured me in and I felt a change
    Time meant nothing, never would again
    Let’s do the readathon again!

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