nonfiction, Sunday Salon


Currently:// Sitting at one of my favorite spots in my home: my kitchen table. My table is medium brown and wooden; it’s not too long or too short. It’s the perfect height and length to sit at and drink a cup of coffee or read a book. I even prefer to do my homework on it. A window is next to my table, so I can easily look out and light filters in throughout the day.

andersonReading:// I’ve been dipping in and out of books for the past few weeks. Right now, I’m reading We Are Not Yet Equal: Understanding our racial divide by Carol Anderson. I had no idea the book is a young adult adaptation of her bestselling work, White Rage, which she wrote several years ago. The book starts at the Civil War and continues until the presidency of Barack Obama, highlighting America’s progress on racial equality and the ways it was been steadily countered by a calculating opposition. Two steps forward, three steps back.

I’m finding the book to be an eye-opener. I wished every thing the author writes about was taught in schools. I’m finding the book to be so insightful that I already bought my own copy to share with my kids.

Thinking about:// time management. The semester started two weeks ago and I’m already worried about finding enough time to read, write, blog, study, and work. But it’s going to happen. I’m going to figure out a way to do all the things I need and want to do.

Listening to:// as many podcasts as I can. My job is so quiet that staff can listen to podcasts and audio books while they work. From The Slowdown to Levar Burton Reads to Fresh Air, I’m listening to fascinating content and finding new books to read.

Now I’m off to:// visit blogs and plan my week.

What are you up to today? What are you reading?

17 thoughts on “Currently”

  1. Interesting that White Rage has been “adapted” for a younger audience. I might have to look at them side by side and see what the differences are.

  2. I also have to find that balance between work, school, pleasure reading, and blogging. This often means that my pleasure reading and blogging get put aside for work and school. I don’t like that, but I guess we just do what we have to do. Sigh. Adulting sucks sometimes.

  3. I should look for White Rage or We Are Not Yet Equal. I’m glad you are enjoying it so much.

    I don’t know how you do so much. Kids…work…school…it’s a lot! I was never able to do more than one of these at a time. I hope things go smoothly for you this semester.

  4. Your table sounds wonderful! I love my special reading spots too, and I would not trade them for anything. I saw that White Rage had been adapted for YA audiences, and I think it’s a terrific thing for her publisher to do. I’d love to see more racial justice books adapted this way.

  5. We Are Not Yet Equal sounds amazing! Are you planning to read White Rage?

    I’ve been listening to audiobooks at work as well, mainly because my job is very boring. I finished One for the Money in two days!

  6. We Are Not Yet Equal sounds good, but I may have to pick up White Rage instead.
    I listen to audiobooks at work occasionally, depending on what’s going on.

  7. Adding We Are Not Yet Equal to my list. How lovely to be able to listen to podcasts during the day–there are so many great ones these days.

  8. Good luck with getting the time management figured out. I have few obligations these days, and still can’t seem to manage it. Have you read White Rage as well? I just went to see if my library had either available and was happy to find that they had the ebook version of White Rage available immediately. I might have to set aside a couple other books I’ve got going to I can start it today.

  9. I love podcasts and love-hate how they add more titles to my TBR list! I was debating between ‘White Rage’ and ‘White Trash’ at the bookstore recently and went with the later. Maybe I’ll see if the library has a copy of ‘We Are Not Yet Equal’. I’m curious to see how Anderson would present the topic to a young adult audience.

    Good luck with figuring out your time management plans! I’ve been reading up a storm since my move, but I know that needs to change soon if I want to meet people in my new city and continue to concentrate on my physical health.

  10. Hey Natasha, I just had to come back to thank you. I just finished White Rage this morning. I could not agree with you more–this book should be taught in its entirety in every U.S. history course. None of this was taught when I was in school, and despite trying to educate myself and my kids about the real history of our country, I didn’t know about so many things in this book. I too will be buying a copy of this since I read it from the library. Thank you!

    1. I’m so happy to hear that! I totally agree: this book should definitely be taught in schools across the country. There’s so much history that people don’t know and because of that ignorance, so much injustice still happens to this day.

  11. Is that your table in your table, or another one like it? I’m late in reading and replying to your post, but what I’m reading on this other Sunday? Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis trilogy, Justine Cronin’s The Passage, and next week’s Mavis Gallant short story. Later, some Irish reading for ReadingIreland and some Welsh reading for the Wales Readathon. Hope this Sunday is a good one for you too! 🙂
    PS And I love podcasts. I have so many on my device that it is practically full. Which means I must start to admit that I cannot listen to them 48 hours a day!

    1. Oops, I meant to ask whether that is your table which appears in the header? Hah.

  12. We Are Not Equal Yet sounds like it should be required reading! I’m not much into podcasts but maybe I just need to let them grow on me. It took me forever to get onboard with audiobooks and I’ve really been enjoying them over the past several months.

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