fiction, Read-along

The Goldfinch Read-along


The Goldfinch Read-along

December 13, 2013 – December 27, 2013

Athira and I have decided to host a read-along of Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch. It’s one of the many books we’re hoping to finish before the end of the year, so why not read it together? The Goldfinch seems to be one of those books that everyone has read this year. Most of the reviews have been pretty positive.

The read-along is pretty informal. There won’t be any progress posts to write. There will be some kind of discussion post at the end.

In case you’re a little scared nervous about reading such a big book (784 pages to be exact), read one of my favorite posts from Meredith (Dolce Bellezza) about The Goldfinch.

Want to join us?

17 thoughts on “The Goldfinch Read-along”

  1. I still haven’t written my review but I read The Goldfinch in ARC format and LOVED it! My #2 favorite after The Interestings, I think, when I finally write the review and pull my list of favorites together! I’d love to read it again along with you, but won’t be able to. Looking forward to reading the discussion posts!

  2. Vasilly, I wish I would have read it with you and Athira! Still, I’m glad you’re forging ahead with your plan, and I eagerly anticipate your thoughts. It is an incredible book, one which I will be mulling over for a long time.

  3. Oh! I would have absolutely loved to join in – but my copy is under the Christmas tree! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it though!

  4. BORIS. I can’t wait to hear what everyone says about BORIS. I will hear about BORIS from many bloggers soon. (I hope I’m not building up Boris too much. He’s a very good character, but expectations can be a killer.)

  5. OH! I just started this forgetting that you were hosting this. YAY! I can join in, I can find out my thoughts on BORIS, I can finally read a Tartt book! YAY! (I’m about 25% in and determined to finish by New Years. Are we tweeting, too?
    Happy Holidays Dear Vasilly.

  6. Finished the book New Year’s Day. Loved it by the end. So plotted. Such characterizations. Will write response soon. I’m going to take my time with this one.

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