Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – It’s Summer!

Good morning! It’s the first weekend of summer and I hope you all are enjoying it though I know it’s raining like crazy in some parts of the country. With summer finally here and after looking at a few summer reading piles (Deb and Carl), I decided to post my own pile. I’m hoping to finally get to some of the books I’ve been staring at for awhile. In my pile is a combination of rereads, books that have been on my shelves for months and sometimes years, and a few library books.

summerreadingstackIf you want to know more about any book you see in the photo, just go to my Goodreads summer reading shelf here. You can also click on the picture to enlarge it.

My reading plans are pretty ambitious but I don’t have any plans for the summer. I just want to enjoy the weather, have fun with the kids, and read!


If you‘re looking for some great books to curl up with at the beach, I have a few links to share.

Earlier this week, Deb wrote a great post about Lucy Knisley’s Relish, a foodie graphic memoir. If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly recommend putting it on your summer tbr list. It’s a great way to spend an afternoon.

Aarti (Book Lust) wrote such a good review of The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

Melissa over at Feminist Texican shared her thoughts on Michael Moss’s Salt Sugar Fat.

Andi (Estella’s Revenge) wrote a post about BookTube a few days ago. BookTube is book reviews on YouTube. I had no idea.

Andi’s post lead me to Ricquetta (Nerd in Translation) and the 30-Day Reading Challenge. Participants read a set amount for thirty days. I don’t know if I can read a book a day but I would love to read for at least two hours a day. Hashtag: #30DayRead

So that’s it. I’m off to read. What are you doing today?

25 thoughts on “Sunday Salon – It’s Summer!”

  1. Happy summer! Today I THINK I’m going to be writing a bunch of review. I am behind. Soooooo behind. I hate being behind so I need to stop procrastinating and do something about it. I’m going to try to write five reviews!

    I really love your summer reading list, btw! The non-fiction books in particular look super interesting.

    1. Thanks, Anastasia! I know what you mean about being behind! Ugh! It’s such an awful feeling. I hope you get it all done.

  2. I haven’t been reading as much lately so I’m going to look into that 30 day challenge. It might be exactly what I need to get myself back into the reading groove. Maybe I can get my kids to do it with me!

  3. I loved finding out about book tubers when I first saw Andi’s post! It’s like a whole other world of blogging (brave, brave blogging). I picked up my copy of When Women Were Birds this morning after getting some rough news about a friend’s mother last night and it was exactly what I needed. I ended up reading the entire book in one shot. Looks like you have a great summer of reading ahead of you!

  4. I think I see a little bit there of What It is right? Lots of great books you have to look forward to. Happy Summer reading!

  5. What’s this? BookTube? I had no idea either, so you’re not the only one. And a 30-Day Reading Challenge, eh? I may have to do this, too. Oh, the things you learn when you’re determined to catch up on blogs …. 🙂

  6. My life doesn’t change much because it’s summer so I’ll be sticking with the same old stacks. I wish you hours of wonderful reading this summer.

  7. Your summer plans sound like the BEST! Hanging out with your kids and do a lot of reading? Perfection 🙂

    I love the photos of your book stacks. I should do the same! Happy Sunday and have a great week!

  8. I’m reading tweets about Nik Wallenda right now and watching him online. Once in a while, I give in to media hype. 🙂

    THAT is a lot of books, lady. Good luck.

  9. I didn’t have any idea about BookTube, either. I’d love to read for 2 hours a day. Right now I usually just manage one hour and I feel like I have to fight for that hour some days.

  10. Happy summer!
    It’s always nice to have reading plans for the summer! Is Maus a first read for you, or a reread? I have been planning on completing my reading of it for years now, I believe.
    In the summer I usually try to go for the books that have been sitting on my shelves forever. I’m not sure what time I’ll have this summer though, since we are leaving for three weeks in August!

  11. Your summer plans are a bit more ambitious than mine (I hope to read two books and you have a cajillion!) It looks like you are planning a relaxing summer and that’s my number one goal, too. Relaxing.

    I’m still waiting to see your Ideal Bookshelf. But don’t rush. We are relaxing.

  12. I would love to be able to read a book a day but that’s not going to happen any time soon. I had no idea about BookTube either, but now that I do, I wonder why I didn’t know of it sooner.

  13. You’ll be reading Tender Morsels? Have you read it before? I do hope you read it! It is amazing.

    The rest of the books look really good too!

  14. Nothing much changes in my life over the summer — except I’m not a big fan of the heat. You have lots of great reading ahead. A goal of 2 hours a day sounds very doable.

  15. The Pullman take on the Grimms is perfect for summer reading! If your reading experience with it is like mine, it will send you off into many directions with its discussion of source material and alternate version and criticism. Delicious bookish rambling! The Tough book is also a gem, and I’m envying your Thinking, Fast and Slow. I keep thinking about reading it. Happy reading!

  16. Happy Summer 🙂 It’s a rainy weekend here and I plan on staying in with the AC on and a good book this afternoon after I’m done running my usual Saturday errands.
    Nice book stack, I haven’t read any of those, but Owen Meany and the Barbara Kingslover are on my wishlist. Happy reading! Thanks for the links, I’m off to check the 30-Day Reading Challenge.

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