Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon: June 16th

sunday salonTime: // 7:37 am

The scene: // at my desk

Eating: // nothing just yet.

Drinking: // coffee!

Just Finished: // The Ocean At the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. I know I’m gaiman ocean lanegoing to have to reread this book before I review it on Tuesday. Plus, I’m reading Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology edited by Gary Ferraro. It sounds like a dry read but it’s not.

Listening to: // old Taylor Swift. My musical tastes are all over the place lately.

Blogging: // my review for the latest volume in Fables: Cubs in Toyland.

Promoting: // the Classics Club sync read of John Steinbeck’s East of Eden. The read started June 10th and ends August 30th.

Also Promoting:// This is week three of SYNC’s YA and Summer Classic pairing. Every week from May 30th to August 21st, SYNC will offer free audio book downloads of a classic book paired with a current YA read. This week’s pair is The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater and Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya. You have until the 20th to download the pair. After that, a new pair of audiobooks will be available.

And More Promoting:// Buried in Print’s review of Jowita Bydlowska’s Drunk Mom. It’s a memoir about a mother’s alcoholism and how it affected her family.

Enjoying: // this gloomy weather we’re getting in Southern California.

ottaviani feynmanRealizing: // that I may be on a re-read kick. Earlier last week, I re-read Cubs in Toyland before reviewing it. Now I also plan on rereading the graphic novel Feynman by Jim Ottaviani soon.

Thinking about: // coming up with my stack of summer reads. I saw M’s (Buried in Print) stack of books for porch reading and now the wheels in my head are turning.

Thankful for: // my family’s health and safety. We had a scary situation earlier this week and it reminded me how fragile we all are.

Now I’m off to: // curl up in bed with a book and my cup of coffee.

What’s on your list today?

19 thoughts on “Sunday Salon: June 16th”

  1. Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology: that does sound dry, but glad you’re enjoying it.

    I also might get to When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris on audiobook later today in addition to the book I’m reading now…if I can get off the Interwebs here. 😛 Y’all aren’t helping. 🙂

    Glad to hear you and your family are all okay after the scary situation earlier this week. Lately, I am being reminded of how fragile we are, and life is, too.

  2. I’ve heard some mixed things about the new Gaiman but actually I’m not really a Gaiman fan (which makes me The Only NonFan In The Universe) so I’m not sure if I’ll like it! :–) But I’ll probably try it anyway!

    Glad to hear your scary situation didn’t turn out scary after all!

  3. I can’t wait to hear what you think of the new Neil Gaiman! I just started The Other Typist, but everyone’s comments about the ending have me a bit worried…

  4. You need something with that coffee! You’re awake early for a Sunday 😛

    I’ve been anticipating Neil’s new book for ages. I never know what he’ll come out with next. Thanks for letting me know it’ll be a great read. 🙂

  5. Oh the classics sync read sounds fun. I was talking to someone the other day about reading more classics. Will have to think about the readalong. Glad everything turned out ok with your family!

  6. Our morning started off as a curl up and read sort of day, but now the sun’s out and maybe I’ll go pull some weeds while the ground is nice and wet.

    Have a great week! And I’m so glad that the scary situation turned into a reason for gratitude.

  7. I can’t wait to hear what you think of The Ocean At the End of the Lane. I saw it at the bookstore the other day and was thinking that it might be a wonderful read.

  8. Today I’m hoping to finish The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, and knock out a bit of The Golden Bowl.It’s my classics spin pick, and I’m not nearly as far along as I’d like to be. Happy Sunday!

  9. I’m glad to hear that you and your family are safe and sound!

    I hope you enjoyed your coffee and book time. Ahhh, that’s the BEST! I’d love to see your stack of summer reads. Love (and may have to steal) that idea, lol.

    Have a great week!

  10. I cannot wait to see your review of The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I’m waiting on my copy that comes with my tickets to meet Gaiman. I hate waiting!!!!

  11. I’m glad all is well!
    Hmmm,…East of Eden. I’m going to consider that for my next read with my older son. He asked to read aloud together again, and we’re working on To Kill a Mockingbird right now, so maybe East of Eden would be a good one to follow that. I haven’t read it since high school.

  12. June gloom has definitely hit Santa Barbara, but since I drive to Westlake multiple times a week for my daughter’s dance, I am getting my fill of hot weather (it was in the 90s there today)

  13. I’m late saying so, but thanks so much for sharing the link for Jowita Bydlowska’s memoir; if you do find a copy, I’d love to discuss it, because there are so many interesting topics therein (beginning with the intersection between mothering and alcoholism but spinning outwards from there).

    I hope whichever book you curled up with was as tasty as the cuppa coffee, and that you’ve had many similarly cozy and satisfying mornings since!

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